Sunday, April 14th Auditorium Events:

​​Saturday, April 13th Auditorium Events:


9 a.m.  25th Annual Pancake Eating

Entertainment to be determined. 

Check back in March and should have an agenda.

Pancake Breakfasts are sold at

the high school cafeteria 7am to 2 pm, both days


Adults: (13&UP) $12.00

Child: (6-12yrs old): $8.00

Child: (1-5yrs old): FREE

Credit Cards and Cash Accepted ​​

The Maple Festival is the sure sign that spring is in the area. Come and shake that cabin fever away with a mapley sweet family weekend.

Outside Events:

Carnival Rides..........Lovell's Field 

Wood Carver............Village Green

​Maple Mobile Race.......Behind Bank

Music.........................Village Green

Air Boat rides.................Lovell's Field

Club Scout Maze................. by Civic Center​

Pony rides......................... South end of Civic Center

Horse Drawn Carriage Rides...South end of Civic Center

Child ID cards..............Classroom in the School