Sunday, April 14th Auditorium Events:
Saturday, April 13th Auditorium Events:
9 a.m. 25th Annual Pancake Eating
Entertainment to be determined.
Check back in March and should have an agenda.
Pancake Breakfasts are sold at
the high school cafeteria 7am to 2 pm, both days
Adults: (13&UP) $12.00
Child: (6-12yrs old): $8.00
Child: (1-5yrs old): FREE
Credit Cards and Cash Accepted
The Maple Festival is the sure sign that spring is in the area. Come and shake that cabin fever away with a mapley sweet family weekend.
Outside Events:
Carnival Rides..........Lovell's Field
Wood Carver............Village Green
Maple Mobile Race.......Behind Bank
Music.........................Village Green
Air Boat rides.................Lovell's Field
Club Scout Maze................. by Civic Center
Pony rides......................... South end of Civic Center
Horse Drawn Carriage Rides...South end of Civic Center
Child ID cards..............Classroom in the School